Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on Poornima or the full moon day of Shravan (typically falls in July or August) of every year.
On this special occasion we have created a collection of Raksha Bandhan Rangoli for the year 2024.
This year 2024, the Rakhi comes up on August 19 after the independence day in Bharat.
The word “rakhi” means “tie” and symbolizes the love, care and the protection that a brother brings for his sister.
In this article, I have listed several sub-categories of Rangoli Design for Raksha Bandhan as below:
- Raksha Bandhan Rangoli Simple
- Front Door Raksha Bandhan Special Rangoli
- Easy Raksha Bandhan Rangoli
- Traditional Raksha Bandhan Rangoli
Raksha Bandhan Rangoli Simple
Starting with simple raksha bandhan rangoli ideas which uses very minimal colors and easy to art.
A simple rakhis like rangoli which uses only 4 color combinations to make the whole design.
Another Rakhs bandhan simple rangoli design which has a rakhi rangoli along with a Happy Rakhi greeting message for the guests coming home.
Front Door Raksha Bandhan Special Rangoli
Easy Raksha Bandhan Rangoli
Traditional Raksha Bandhan Rangoli
Other Raksha Bandhan Rangoli Collecitons
Below is a collection os 40+ Raksha Bandhan Rangoli design collections. Choose the right one based on your own art preference and expertise.
Rakhi comes cone in a year which is very special for the sisters and brothers. Through all these Raksha Bandhan Rangoli designs we have tried to start your day with all positiveness with these colors of love.
Keep doing rangoli and keep spreading the positive energy all around you.