Diwali or known as Deepawali is a festival which is celebrated by all Hindu Bharat vasi. Of course people celebrate in a lot of way out of which designing rangoli on that auspicious day is one special thing.
To make it simple for you we have brought so many Shubh diwali rangoli design ideas for this Diwali 2024 which coming in between October 31 to 2nd November.
If you like the English Happy diwali message then we have a bug collection of Happy Diwali Rangoli for you to take a look at.
To make it even easier for you to find the best one I have covered this whole collection into the below sub-topics:
- Beautiful Shubh Diwali Rangoli
- Easy Shubh deepawali rangoli
- Whole collection of Shubh diwali rangoli
1. Beautiful Shubh Diwali Rangoli
On this special day of Diwali, everyone wants to decorate the beautiful shubh diwali rangoli their house verandah to greet guests as well as to attract all the positive energy.
I have brought several ideas for the same to make it easier for you to select the best design for this diwali 2024.
I have always made an effort to bring you the beautiful designs yet easy to draw and simple in look all at the same time. There is no different this time as well.
Starting off with the simple yet beautiful Shubh diwali rangoli as the below image.
Minimal color collection, simple shubh diwali message, a big diya in the drawing and some creative art, that’s all.
To make it a little more beautiful imagine you yourself in the drawing. Yes, a simple rangoli of shubh diwali and you yourself holding a diya for this diwali.
The beautiful ladies of our house are the real laxmi mata and this drawing is dedicated to al of them.
Another drawing filled with little more item to make it feel complete on this special diwali day.
Diya, Laxmi mata’s footprint, crackers in a single drawing along with a simple shubh diwali message.
2. Easy Shubh Deepawali Rangoli
Easy and simple is the choice of many because that is what is more satisfying to some.
I have some brief collection of easy rangoli for this Deepawali as well.
Big design with a minimal collection of colors. Pretty easy to draw and very simple yet elegant in look.
Needs a little more effort and time to draw this one but easy to do and simple in look. Pretty large in size to add diyas around the rangoli art.
A night view of the shubh diwali wish rangoli design with minimal color requirements. Simple in design and easy to draw with a very attractive look.
3. Other Shubh Diwali Rangoli Design Collections
This is not all. We have an even bigger collection of 30+ more Shubh Diwali Rangoli designs for you to choose based on your preferences and art expertise.
Deepawali is one of the most awaited once in a year joyous festival and must get a very welcoming Shubh Diwali Rangoli which will bring you all the positiveness and also to greet your guests.
Shubh diwali is not just some words rather a whole heartedly wished greeting to everyone who comes to our house, not just guest but also devi and devata (deities).
I wish you a Shubh deepawali in advance.